What is Team National? Team National Review
Team National is a $200+ billion a year network marketing company (or MLM home business) founded in 1997 by Dick Loehr. Located in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, the company is a legitimate business as evidenced by their various designations and associations: members of the Direct Selling Association (DSA), a Registered Member of Dunn & Bradsteet (D&B), a Member of the US Chamber of Commerce and a Member of the Better Business Bureau of Southeast Florida (BBB), plus strong endorsements from people like best selling author & leadership development coach John Maxwell, among others.
The “Product” of the Team National MLM Home Business:
Every legitimate MLM home business company must market something of value to its customers in order to generate revenue to the company and to be able to pay it’s network of distributors. Team National is different however, in that it markets a membership to help people save money who use it on a vast array of products and services in over 20 different industries. Since 1997, total membership and product sales is approaching $1 billion.
The idea behind developing a company to provide benefits and services – now called membership savings – came as Dick envisioned an MLM home business program, that would allow anyone who owns a membership package to enjoy the type of discount buying power as a Fortune 500 company. Starting with only a few basic discounts – savings on oil changes and new car purchases – the Team National MLM home business now offers substantial savings on everything from small everyday items (household goods, business supplies, communication services, insurance and travel services, clothing, food, you name it…) to larger once-in-a-while type items like jewelry, home furnishings, vehicles and toys.
They split the savings into 4 different divisions:
1. Factory Direct (up to 65% savings on items like jewelry and home furnishings)
2. Group Buying Power (over 20 different industries)
3. Business Exchange – save locally at thousands of small businesses across the country
4. E-Commerce – up to 30% commissions from over 100 popular and brand-name retail stores with a Team National website
The Opportunity for a Team National Home Business:
AlthoughTeam National’s membership program demonstrates clear value and representatives – or Independent Marketing Directors (or IMDs) as they’re referred to – who mainly want to sell the aspects of the membership in order to get sales will not make much money with Team National. As with all MLM home businesses, MLM and internet home based businesses, creating a sustainable, booming, walk-away residual income requires leverage in the form of team building. Through building teams, you can multiply your efforts to get not just a few membership packages purchased; in fact, it’s possible to get hundreds and thousands of memberships purchased through your network from which you receive your override so-to-speak (just like an insurance broker receives an “override” on the accomplishments of their people).
The Team National compensation plan offered is also one of the better ones in the industry simply because of the amount of money Team National pays out. This is because the company pays out 72% of the price of the memberships back to the reps in commissions and bonuses with their hybrid binary structure. This unusually high compensation amount – they talk about weekly pay for your first “Progression check” of $1,500 – is because there is no needed product markup or profit margin added onto the price of the membership. This enables the company to negotiate these savings based on the group’s high-volume buying power (just like a nationwide co-op). This again is one main advantage Team National has over its rivals in the industry.
Highlights of the Team National MLM Home Business compensation plan:
As discussed previously, the Team National business model as with most network marketing companies, pays out the most for those who build teams (because that gets more memberships purchased). Using their hybrid-binary structure, they pay out between $25-$100 for every membership sale. In addition, Team National has created a points system where just 4 membership sales (on average) in each leg of the binary will produce a $1,500 check as often as weekly (see compensation plan for exact details). This is strong compensation and as your team grows you earn additional legs (paycenters they call them) which each pays out an additional $2,500 when on average 4 sales are made on each of the paycenter’s 2 legs. This can add up to substantial income for the serious business builder.
It’s worth noting the difference between $25-$100 per sale (for the salesman) versus building a team and being paid $1,500 from 4 or so membership sales in each leg that you or your team bring in. All in all, Team National is one pretty powerful MLM home business for those who approach the business the correct way.
So how does a Team National IMD go about building a thriving, income-producing team?
First, you must have some kind of system in place to help you promote to find and qualify potential business partners to present the Team National MLM home business opportunity to. You can do this by just talking to people you know, or you can work smarter by utilizing the power of tools like the internet to help you sort through an almost endless quantity of probable prospects actively searching for an opportunity like the Team National MLM home business provides. Work smarter to leverage your income and get your business in front of more people to make more money (it’s all a numbers game after all) or continue doing what you’ve always done if you want to continue to get the same results.
All posts in January 2018
What’s so important about how I sign my name?”
I get asked that question all of the time from my business consulting clients.
I tell them that a better question to ask me is this:
“Who cares about how I sign my name?”
The answer is a simple one.
FINE PRINT: Except… your customers and clients, your creditors, your bank, your mortgage company, your landlord, the I.R.S… oh yes… and anyone else that wants to SUE YOU (and don’t forget ALL their lawyers!).
As in many areas of the law, the exception to the rule swallows up the rule!
What do I mean by this?
Well, let’s start with some basics. For instance, if you’ve already formed a corporation or limited liability company (LLC), you may think that you’re already protected from personal liability in the event of a lawsuit against your business.
In general, the rule is that a corporation or LLC, if formed correctly, and if all of the formalities required under the law of the State where the entity was formed are followed, does protect you from personal liability for business debts and lawsuits.
FINE PRINT: Except… when you choose to do business as an individual, and not as the corporation or LLC that you initially formed.
You see, whenever you sign documents like contracts, purchase orders, contractual agreements, leases, loans, mortgages, promissory notes, and most other legal documents involving your business, you need to make sure that you sign your name only in your business capacity.
You MUST avoid signing your name in your individual capacity.
And how do you do that? It’s pretty simple. You see, the format that you use to sign your name is the controlling factor.
In many cases, you as the business owner, sign your name without knowing how to properly sign your name to business documents. In fact, most business owners of corporations and LLC’s still sign legally binding agreements in their individual capacity…and not as the business.
If you have formed a corporation or an LLC, you must remember to sign all contracts, agreements, invoices, etc… as an agent of the business.
For example… Many business owners haphazardly, or perhaps inadvertently, sign legal documents like the format shown in
EXAMPLE 1 below:
John Doe
“But what is the consequence of signing my name like in EXAMPLE 1 above to invoices, agreements, or documents?”
EXAMPLE 1 and the above signature format legally establishes that YOU have signed the contract, invoice, loan, or agreement as an individual.
And not as an agent on behalf of your business.
If you sign your name to agreements in the form depicted in EXAMPLE 1 above, YOU could very well be liable personally to meet all of the terms of the agreement.
And you likely don’t want to do this!
Why Simply out, because you’re therefore subjecting all of your business assets and personal assets as well to the risk of a lawsuit.
If you sign agreements as depicted in EXAMPLE 1 above, YOU will very likely be named personally, as well as your business, in any lawsuit filed against the business.
Remember then:
Signing your name like in EXAMPLE 1 above DOES NOT establish that you have signed the agreement as an agent on behalf of your business.
“Okay. So how should I sign my name to my invoices, contracts, leases, loans, or any other business agreements?
What simple step can I take to protect my business, and my personal assets as well?
Make sure that you only sign legal documents, letters, memos, invoices, loans, leases, etc… as an agent of your business.
How must I sign my name to any legal document or agreement to show that I am signing only as an agent of my business?
Follow EXAMPLE 2 below:
BY: John Doe
President (Company Title)
If you sign your name on the dotted line following the exact format depicted in Example 2 above, you legally establish that you are only signing as an agent on behalf of the business…and not in your individual capacity.
But you MUST follow the Example 2 precisely.
CAVEAT: Another very important point on this topic.
AVOID SIGNING documents that state “PERSONAL GUARANTY” on them.
A Personal Guaranty is usually a separate legal document attached to the main agreement. You generally see a Personal Guaranty in a loan, mortgage, or lease. However, sometimes a Personal Guaranty can be established just by the way you sign the legal document, invoice, lease, or agreement.
Simple. If the agreement merely has a signature line that has your individual name on it without any reference to your business name, you are signing the document as a Personal Guaranty. You are therefore personally liable for that agreement if you sign the agreement with such a signature line.
But, what do I do if I am being required to sign a Personal Guaranty, like for a business loan or commercial lease for example?
If a Personal Guaranty is required, you or your lawyer should negotiate a limited period of time (the shortest possible) that the Personal Guaranty will bind you as an individual.
Remember, if you formed a corporation or LLC in the first place, you did it to avoid personal liability and to protect your personal assets. Anyone who does business with your company should, and usually does, know this. So, be careful. Other possibilities can be negotiated too. Just do your best not to sign in your personal capacity by signing a Personal Guaranty.
It’s important to remember to only sign legal documents, invoices, and even letters as an agent of your business. (Follow the format found in EXAMPLE 2 above).
How else can I make sure that I am signing my name properly to all of my business documents?
Call your attorney to review all of your agreements, invoices, leases, and legal documents BEFORE you sign them. Your attorney will offer sound advice that protects YOU, your loved ones, and your business.
Now, let’s review.
What’s in a name?
Well… besides your business…
…it could be all of YOUR personal and family assets!
The best advicve especially in the midst of tough economic times or a Recession, is to have any document you sign first reviewed by your lawyer or business consultant.
Copyright (c) 2008. Miguel Mendez, Jr. All rights reserved.
When a business is looking to market a service or product, they commonly give out business cards. But when ordering such business cards, it’s rarely given much thought as to how much options such as lamination can really benefit a business. As it turns out, there is much to gain from this untapped aspect in business cards.
The process of lamination gives business cards a coating of plastic that can shield the business card from harm or dirt. This benefits the one who buys them, usually the business, as their business cards will last longer before needing replacements. This reinforced plastic can withstand tears, stains, and a wide variety of other substances that normal business cards would be rendered useless by.
The potential customer also benefits from the lamination of a business card, in the sense that they will always have an easy source of contact information thanks to the extended longevity in life of the business card. If a business card lasts longer, customers can appreciate a long term usage of it- which also in turn helps out businesses by reducing reprint costs.
Lamination also gives business cards a sleek design and feel to them- meaning they stand out from the rest. If a possible client is going through business cards, it is likely that the most visually appealing cards will be the first viewed. The slick exterior of a laminated business card can help cards stand out in such a way that gives them edge over competitors who stick to convention formats of business cards.
While laminated cards can have a wide plethora of benefits, there is the disadvantage of not being able to write on them with just any writing utensil. Pencils and pens will do little for customers who want to write on the plastic, and one must usually resort to markers. Other types of lamination, which costs more, can alleviate this frustration by using special coating material that can be written on.
As far as pricing goes, it should be expected that business cards with lamination will almost always cost more than those that don’t. This is because it takes extra work and materials to give the coating its ability to shield all of the obscene from the business card inside. But as previously mentioned, the benefits can often be too great to ignore- as the longevity and repeat business that laminated business cards give is too beneficial to discount.
With the way that the country’s economy has been, more and more people are going into business for themselves. Taking on the role of a business owner comes with an abundance of responsibilities, as well as processes that prove to be beneficial for you and your business.
One of these processes is registering a trademark for your specific business. This is a very important step that any new (or old) business owner needs to take in order to properly protect your particular company’s unique look, whether it’s in the form of a phrase, name, logo, symbol or word. This is what makes your company stand out, and you should take the necessary steps to protect it.
If you do not register a trademark, there are many negative consequences that could occur. You could lose the unique image that your company is based upon. A competitor could adopt a very similar name, logo or symbol so that it’s almost impossible to tell your two companies apart. The worst thing is that if your competitor has their trademarks registered, then you could lose yours-it doesn’t matter if you came up with the initial trademark or not! In addition, you could have to pay fees to your competitor for trademark infringement!
All of this could possibly lead to you having to completely redesign your company’s name or create a new unique symbol, logo or phrase for your customers to associate with your particular business. Just imagine how much money and time you will spend trying to take on a new trademark when you could have saved all of this worry by simply registering your trademark! And think about how frustrating it will be to have to keep your current customers with a completely different look or trademark.
By taking the steps to register your business’ trademark, you are protecting your business’ (and your own) welfare in several different ways. Your trademark will be protected across the nation by federal registration. When you look at what could happen if you do not register your trademark, the choice is easy.
You have worked hard to ensure your company’s success and to build your customer base. Your success, undoubtedly, has something to do with your specific and unique trademark. Neglecting to register your trademark has a wide range of negative effects, while registering your trademark has only positive consequences. Make the decision that’s best for your business and your needs as a business owner.
Out in the business world, there are a wide variety of shirt being worn today. Most men’s business shirts that you see are the oxford long sleeve shirts. Many other shirts will be worn, but the oxford shirts are the ones used by most business professionals. Out in the business world, you will see short sleeve button down shirts, sweaters, vests, and even fun shirts that are typically worn only on casual Friday. Check with your employer to find out what the dress code is before wearing particular clothing.
When walking into an office, the first thing you may notice about men’s business shirts is the fact that they are long sleeves. When you see this, it means most of these people are professionals. Whether they are bankers, lawyers, doctors, or whatever the case may be, they are presenting an image. They want the public to know they mean business and they know what they are doing. Most of the time they will not dress down at all meaning they will not wear polo or short sleeve button down shirts. In just about all cases, ties will be worn with the shirts. Make sure you match colors when choosing a shirt and tie.
In some cases, some men’s business shirts may be short sleeve shirts or possibly sweaters. Although this does not say we are sloppy, it also shows that they know what is going on. Usually this is done just to relax the dress code a bit. In some cases, people may wear vest. Usually a long sleeve shirt is worn under it. A tie may or may not be worn with it. Whether or not you choose to wear a tie with this is totally up to you
In some strange cases you may see t-shirts or some other type of sports shirts being worn for men’s business shirts. Most times it will be for casual Friday. Many times it will be a shirt with the company logo on it. This is a way for the people of the company to relax a bit before the weekend, to let them unwind a little bit. In some cases, they may also be used for a booth at an exhibit depending on what the theme is. However, if the expo is strictly professional, this is not an option.
There are a few options when you have men’s business shirt. Most of the time, you will see people wearing long sleeve oxfords. There are also, short sleeve, sweaters, vests, polo’s, and even t-shirt like shirts for the fun occasions. When wearing some of these shirts, it is recommended that you check with your employer before wearing some shirts. Although you may want to relax a little at the office, some places insist you wear a long sleeve business shirt and tie at all times. Most of the time, this is to present an image. They want the general public to see they mean business and not look as if they are slacking off at the office.