Im not gonna lie, building a business can be hard work! We got into this whole Mobile Bartending thing because we love bartending and making money and it is a really fun gig!
But there are times we have to do things we dont like and it can suck, right?!
Well, its time for a mindset change that I would like to share with you. Once I had this mindset shift, it really made things not just easier, but more enjoyable for mewhich resulted in more money in less timewhich is good!
Ok, you ready? Its all about creating SYSTEMS in your business. Basically, you need to ask yourself, should I need to implement a system for particular things in my business? Yes you have too, I’ve been there and When you start to implement systems in your business, you are starting to work ON your business, not IN it. You should really only be concentrating on the things you enjoy in your business and create a system for the rest.
So, how do we create systems?
First, for about a week or two, all I want you to do is observe your actions. What are you doing each day, or week that you dread? What is taking up a lot of your time? And what are the reasons you end up like a snail crawling on your works? These are the things that you need a system for.
Let me give you an example: When I first got started Mobile Bartending, I would create a customized shopping list for each and every customer. That means I would write and email and spend 20 minutes coming up with everything I thought they needed for their party! 20 minutes!! It wasnt until I created a Sample Shopping List that I could simply attach in an email to every client did I realize I had a system in place. Its a simple system but it took me from 20 minutes of work down to about 10 seconds.
Once you have identified crucial areas that need to be systemized in your business, you need to ask yourself what you can do to make this quicker, easier and more efficient. Sometimes it is using technology and the power of the Internet or software to have it done for you. Othertimes you might need to actually hire someone to take care of this aspect of your business. I have a virtual assistant working for me at just $3.50/hour out of the Philipines, she helps me trememndously!!
I also remember that setting up for a big event would take all day! I literally spend 5-6 hours setting up, cleaning tools, and prepping everything I needthat is a joke! Now? 30 minutes! Why?! Because I found a more efficient system that removed myself from the process!
Just remember, do what YOU love, and systemize the rest-and watch you and your business grow! Realize every important steps that you should implement to increase the growth of your bartending business is a very wise alternative choice.