Know The Basics Of International Business Gift Giving

Businessmen would agree that in the business world, giving gifts once in a while can never be avoided. Be it Christmas or an important client’s birthday, gift-giving is one of the most effective ways of establishing stronger ties to those who matter to you and your business. This may not be totally true but even as this, it is the most common perception. You might not believe this but there are times when giving gifts can be the worst thing that you can do. This is especially true when you are invovled in an international business. This is because each race or nationality has its own belief about business gift giving.

It’s interesting that while some countries may be very open to gift-giving, others can actually take the act to be completely unacceptable. For example, in the Czech Republic, Columbia, Indonesia and some others, giving gifts is a warm gesture between corporate people. This can be misunderstood as bribing when youre on other countries like Australia, Denmark or Uruguay.

It’s interesting that while some countries may be very open to gift-giving, others can actually take the act to be completely unacceptable. For example, in the Czech Republic, Columbia, Indonesia and some others, giving gifts is a warm gesture between corporate people. However, there are other countries like Australia and many others that find this act offensive because they think that this is like a bribe.

Therefore, it is important that you try to find out about different countries and their beliefs when it comes to this kinds of things especially when you are involved in international business. Generally, we feel that when we give a gift to a client or a colleague during his birthday, it can strengthen our business relationship. The effect can be otherwise. It can still make negative vibes that may be considered to affect the business relationship. It is significant to always know the background of the people you consider giving presents for this reason.

The issues around gift giving may not even be purely cultural but religious as well. It will be a good idea to research on peoples cultures you are planning to give presents even when working for a company. For example, you might think of giving your boss a little token on his birthday. Perhaps you cannot give him anything made of cowhide as in India, cows are considered sacred if this person is Indian.

There will be rituals or rules that have to be pursued as giving gifts is not really discouraged in some cases. The Chinese, for instance, consider red a lucky color. The monetary value of a gift may also affect its meaning in almost all cases. Whatever thing that is costly can make the receiver feel uncomfortable or even embarrassed. In other cases, a gift should fit the level of relationship that the giver has with the receiver.

There are more differences among nationalities in terms of their gift-giving customs and it is important to consider these before you give anything, no matter how well-meant.

The Importance Of Having A Business Uniform Dress Code

In the United States, more than thirty two million people go to work everyday wearing business uniforms. A business uniform can project a unified image of a company that consistently works with the public.

A business uniform can indicate to customers who the employees are and ask for assistance. Business uniform also allow employers to dictate what type of dress is appropriate for their business. Employees prefer to wear business uniforms, as they do not have to buy a wardrobe for work. There are some employers who will pick up the cost of cleaning the business uniforms. This mostly happens when the company is renting their business uniforms.

Most business uniforms are made of a cotton polyester blend fabric. It stands up to numerous cleanings and is durable and long lasting.

Traditionally, business uniforms have been plain and drab single colored shirt and pants. The color was usually brown or navy blue, or white. There were no other colors that were available.

In recent years, style has come to business uniforms. Employers are choosing oxford shirts and dress pants over “the plain look.” This is called “the executive look.” This look is gaining popularity. It gives the appearance of a prosperous dignified office. Other business uniforms such as lab coats and aprons, vests and smock can be worn over regular clothes. This promotes the image of unity without each person wearing the same business uniform. Most business uniforms can last up to five years. This is with regular wear and washing.

Another option that employers have is to rent business uniforms. This however can be very expensive and eighty percent of all business owners buy their business uniforms out right. When an employer rents their business uniforms, the rental company is responsible for the cleaning of business uniform. The option of renting business uniforms is cost effective to business that have a high employee turnover rate. By renting the business uniform, the company is not paying out funds to buy business uniform for employees who will not last long.

Business uniforms are sold through many different companies. Retail outlets and direct sales companies may be the most expensive, but they also offer fantastic discounts. Business owners should try to find vendors who specialize in only business uniforms. Buying from vendors such as these can save a company a lot of money.

Another advantage to ordering from vendors is that they can offer different terms in their service. They can offer services such as embroidering of logos and employee names. Business uniform rental companies supply each company’s employee with five uniforms per week. Each week the rental company drops off the one set of clean business uniform and picks up the dirty ones. This is done for everyone in the company that has a business uniform.

These services usually require a minimum order of business uniforms and a service contract for two years. This is the standard in the industry of business uniform rentals.

Although it would be more cost effective for a uniform rental company to handle business uniforms if the company is based within the same area as a company that is already being serviced. Some business rental companies will offer a discount for services if a current client refers their service.

The rate for purchasing business uniforms for a five-year period can be as high as two hundred dollars per employee. This rate does not include any cleaning fees.

The rate for renting business uniforms is usually a negotiated rate. It can be between two hundred and three hundred dollars per employee depending on how many business uniforms are supplied to each employee. This rate can be lowered if the service contract is longer than two years.

Experts advise that when a company chooses to rent business uniforms, they should not choose anything to bizarre. By choosing a standard type and color business uniform, replacement business uniforms can be easily obtained. Experts also advise that it is a good idea to institute a business uniform dress code. It will help with the overall image of a company.

In past years, when business uniforms were returned, they could not be reused because of logos that were embroidered on them. They were difficult to take off and often ruined the business uniform.

Today, thanks to a new process that has recently been developed, the logos are attached on a small patch that is heat-sealed on the business uniform. It can be removed with very little effort and there is no damage to the business uniform. This makes reuse of the business uniform possible, there by lowering the cost to companies in need of rental business uniforms.

When a company decides to either rent or buy business uniforms, they have already got a specific design in mind. Whether they have something specially made for the look of their company or they go with the traditional look, they are looking for a good high quality long lasting and durable business uniform. The do not want a business uniform to fall apart before the contract is up.

It can be confusing for a company to try and find the best rate and the best quality business uniforms. It can be a long process comparing company rates and policies.

By doing a google search, it will yield over seventeen million links. Who has time to go to all those links? A suggestion is that by narrowing the search to a specific city and state that the company resides in will reduce the number of results thereby cutting the search time almost in half. This will make the search much faster.

Business uniforms are becoming popular not only in the United States, but all over the world. Countries like Australia are realizing the benefits of having a business uniform dress code. Thousands of businesses in Australia have already instituted a business uniform dress code policy.

Studies have shown that by starting a business uniform dress code policy is first step in making your business run better and be more productive.

The Most Common Reasons For Business Success And Failure

Bad/good decisions making
This is the most common reason why business fail as just one bad decision can be a reason for you business failure or success. Decision making is one of the most wanted skills in business and you can learn how to make good business decisions. There are many books written on this topic if you want to improve your decision making skills. Tips on decision making: when making decision do not rush, take some time with every decision and try to analyze advantages and disadvantages of your decision. In beginning this process will take more time but wit a little exercise you will become better.

2) Lack of business experience
You can be the best tradesman in your trade but if you lack some basic business skills you basically have two options: improve your business skills or find some employment. Being in business requires you to have great communication skills, selling skills, some accounting skills, some understanding in general laws and to be passionate about your product or service. This can be learned and the best advice here is to find a good accountant and create a long term relationship with him/her.

3) Compliance and legal issues
If you are running your business without any records you are not compliant and it is just a matter of time until your business will be forced to close. Even worse case could be that you are in some kind of illegal business activity or scheme. Be very careful with some offshore schemes and investing in tax havens as this may be illegal.

4) Bad cash management
Even if you are ticking all the boxes in your business and your business is growing you have to monitor your cash flow daily and use some cash flow tools and have proper cash budget. Remember profit is not the same as cash. Your business may be profitable but without cash you will be forced to borrow or to close down.

6) Competition and market
Always keep your eye on your competition and compare prices. If your competition is selling the same kind of product or service for half the price you do not have any other options than to match them. If you competition is improving their product or service you have to do the same. Not monitoring your market and competitors or not knowing who they are can be fatal. More unique your product/service is less competition you will have.

7) Risk controls
You should know what your biggest risks are and how to prevent them happening. Usually some kind of insurance must be in place. So e.g. the biggest risk for a farmer may be a drought so measures taken may be to ensure there is enough water in the drought season and the crops are insured against loss.

8) No controls or records
Nor having records also means that the business owner does not have any controls on his/her business as it is impossible to make a good business decisions which also bring us to the most common reason for business failure bad decision making.

9) X-factor
It is impossible to predict all the situations possible and sometime we have to expect some unexpected events such as e.g. malfunction of equipment, natural disasters or maybe alien attack!? Therefore it is a must to have some reserves and cash savings in such moments in order to continue business operations as usual.

10) Lack of trade knowledge
Market is dynamic and you should follow and be ready to learn new skills. More skills you have more competitive advantage you have over your competition.

11) Attitude to succeed
Believe in yourself and your products and services and you will succeed. If you expect success you will succeeds or if you think that you are not good enough in what you do your failure is guaranteed.

12) View for a profit
Business is an activity with a view to a profit so if you do not like or want profits than do not have business but a hobby. If you make good profits you will be able to help others in need.

13) Outdated product/service
Example: If you are in business of selling DVDs you should start thinking about switching to Blue Rays as DVDs will be outdated in only few years.

14) Change in laws and policies
Sometimes changes in government policies can cause some businesses to close such as e.g. in Australia government has prohibited use of pop up sprinklers for lawns. Also another example can be that some professions will have to have licenses or additional training.

15) No vision
Your business vision should be formulated and written on paper. Your vision should be clear and without any doubts. If your business has two or three completely different activities this is an obvious example of lack of vision.

16) No succession planning
What happens when a business owner decides to retire or wants to sell his/her business? In order to ensure business succession you should engage professional accountant, financial planner or lawyer for expert help.

17) Fraud
Fraud can be a cause of business failure if not detected on time and if no safeguards were implemented in the business. Assets, business records, procedures, passwords should be safeguarded by implementing relevant policies and procedures. If you engage auditors to audit your financial statements they will detect possible risks and any fraud.

Flooring business gradually take the road of transition

How great feast at home before the trip

[China] floor network Recently, the development of the flooring industry is already approaching maturity, the major flooring companies are actively looking to upgrade the road, especially among the domestic industry consolidation, companies need to speed up the floor to create a set of product design, development, manufacturing as one of the new business model, the floor so that it can achieve the development of enterprises.

Flooring business transformation gradually go down the road of how big feast at home before the trip

Flooring business transformation road go?

Golden nine silver ten hot market, and in the last couple of years have not staged. At the macroeconomic shift from rapid growth to the rapid growth and multiple factors affecting the real estate market adjustment, the home market is also feeling the bursts cold weather, even in the traditional sales season, the market still appears to be very dull.

Transformation, which is a common problem almost every home business in the current market situation to face. A key problem is that the transformation of domestic enterprises, Where? Flooring and other home industry urgently needs a new round of industry reshuffle and integration. This round of consolidation, unable to adapt to market competition will make a number of companies out of rhythm, but more importantly, can really create “the era of big home”, so flooring and other home industry usher in a new development opportunities. ikea australia deck tile

In fact, several years ago, there were already a lot of flooring and other home businesses proposed “big home” marketing concept. However, Yao Liangsong seems to put more people in the past “big home” as an integrated form of the store, but the convergence of the various brands of products in large stores, so that consumers in the range of home stores to experience the “one-stop” shopping.

Because of this, in a new round of consolidation in the household sector, we must accelerate to create a set of product design, development, manufacturing, branding, sales and service in one of the new business model, make all kinds of flooring and other home products, services and brands of the organic fused together to create new competitive advantages.

Large home carnival feast flooring companies need innovative business models

In this sense, the era of big home is destined to become a collective carnival and feast. Any one flooring and other home businesses can not alone embrace “the era of big home.” However, the ability to make this feast really into the seats, you will need to rely on leading enterprises play the leading role in the integration of resources and a good platform to build, truly different production and operation of high-quality household products business together, forming the main competition of market integration, thus releasing the “1 + 1> 2” market competitiveness, the formation of a more powerful brand influence, and ultimately win together in the “era of big home.”

Of course, any kind of business model innovation, we need to continue to demonstrate experience and explore, from the familiar and consumers also need to agree to the final cognitive processes. Therefore, the arrival of “the era of big home”, but also the leading flooring company needs more effort.

One thing is sure, flooring and other home industry in the new round of consolidation is about to set off a wave of the situation, who start sooner, who more likely to lead the business development trend; who will become the industry leader in the integration of resources, whoever more likely to win in the “era of big home.”Read More:
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