Do You Seriously Want To Know The Truth About NAA?
Re: National Agents Alliance Business System
Dear Friend,
What have you heard about National Agents Alliance? Did they tell you how theyre turning ordinary people into millionaires in less than 5 years? Did they introduce you to all those people who earned 6 figures in their 1st year? When I saw this I couldnt believe a word I read.
I mean, how does a plumber without a high school diploma walk away from his $12 per hour job and earn over a quarter million dollars in just a couple years? I decided to investigate
I punched in the name National Agents Alliance into the Google search engine and 2 of the first 10 listings were from the Rip Off Report. Now if youve never heard of the Rip off Report then you probably dont know how they earn money. They are similar to the Better Business Bureau.
Both are run by people that want to make a profit. Dont think for one minute that its an office full of retired 70 year old veterans sitting around an office trying to make a difference in the community!
Dont be fooled by the word non-profit because the people who operate the company or organization skim their salaries off the top of the non-profit. These people dont work for free!
BBB earns money by soliciting an annual fee from their members and Rip Off Report earns money when visitors click on the ads throughout the website. Do you want to hear something funny?
When you search for Better Business Bureau complaints you find the BBB on the Rip Off Report! But wait it gets better
When you search for Rip Off Report Scam you find numerous consumer complaints about the deception and lies in the Rip Off Report! Where are you supposed to go for advice?!#$
The bottom line is if you want to know the truth about National Agents Alliance or any other company you have to investigate it yourself. You cannot depend on these websites or even the newspapers for that matter.
The only way to discover the truth about anything is to C 4 YOURSELF! One day I was talking with some friends after Church about Tony Robbins walking barefoot over hot coals…
My friend John was explaining step by step how it can be done. Fred didnt believe it. Chris was confused and went back and forth between John and Fred. Dave was pointing out Johns mistakes. And I just sat there silently listening to everyones opinion.
Do you want to hear something funny? None of them ever tried it before! The very next Saturday we were having a bonfire at my cottage. I pulled the wood from the fire, spread out the hot coals, took off my shoes and socks and my friends started hooting and hollering.
I didnt say one word. I took my 1st step, then my 2nd, then my 3rd, 4th and finally my 5th step was on the grass. Was it hot? Yes! Did it burn me? No. Was I hurt? No
Did I now know the truth about walking barefoot over hot coals? Yes. The only person you can trust in this world 100% is yourself. If you reading this article you certainly do not know me from Adam so it will not do my team any good to preach the National Agents Alliance business opportunity to you.
Instead Ive chosen to help you understand the only way to discovering the truth in anything.
National Agents Alliance, Rip Off Report and Better Business Bureau are all out to make a profit. There is no secret here, but which one of the 3 do you think is out to help YOU make a profit?
If youve never researched the idea of becoming a business owner then you might be unfamiliar with some basic principles. The first principle you want to consider when investigating a business is risk vs. reward.
If National Agents Alliance cost $5,000 to join a team then it would only make sense to hesitate and spend a lot of your time researching the opinions of others to save you from making a big mistake and
Thats perfectly understandable. Who wants to lose $5,000 to a bunch of scheisters!?
But if the risk is low and the cost is $0 to join a team then your time is better spent by just giving it a shot and finding out for yourself.
If you want to know more about the National Agents Alliance, you can take a free tour at