Unity is a term that many people may not associate with business. However, unity is a key principle that can be applied both to people and to technological systems in a business. Unity between workers and unity between systems can lead to vastly higher production; more importantly, unity and good morale leads to satisfied workers who will perform gladly, rather than simply out of duty or even lesser motivations.
Good morale is a symptom of unity in business teams. By good morale we mean esprit de corps — a fellowship that’s created by working together in a common enterprise. Sometimes we may mistakenly think of businesses always being about making money. Pragmatically this is true. However, the best businesses tend to incorporate something more abstract and usually more important than seeking for profits.
Take for example Howard Schultz’s philosophy about Starbucks. In his book Pour Your Heart Into It, Schultz mentions the aim of the company in creating a neighborhood oasis — a place where people can come in and ponder questions over a cup of coffee and listening to jazz. While the coffee is the product and the purpose of the business, the abstract ideal of creating an oasis drives what Schultz does.
In the same sense, business owners would be wise to give their workers something to unite under. What really matters for owners is identifying what’s really important to them and incorporating those ideals in their business as a rally point. For military members, service to country and the protection of personal freedoms are the ideals that unite them. While it’s probably quite hard to find better ideals than those used by the military in creating a business, it’s necessary to use something similar to it since by doing this people can feel like they’re part of something bigger than themselves.
When they feel that way, and are fairly compensated for their work, they will work hard. If business owners fail to incorporate lasting values and ideals into their businesses then they are likely to lack the unity among workers that would propel their business into the stratosphere. The principle of unity must also be applied to technological systems, although the application of unity to technology occurs by a far greater concrete process than applying it to people.
With technological systems some businesses have found it wise to hire consultants who are experts with given technological companies. Microsoft consulting occurs regularly as businesses hope to take full advantage of the rapidly advancing software tools being produced by Microsoft and other large companies.
It is important to make sure that systems work together since businesses rely increasingly on technology to function. While the increased functionality unlocked through the internet and software for businesses is potent, oversight in producing harmony between systems can cripple a business. Whether through avenues like Microsoft consulting or in house consulting, businesses must have unity within their systems as a basis for a unified working force.
When unified people work on unified systems the best results can be achieved.